
Legal Aspects of Surrogacy - South Dakota

Gestational Surrogacy in South Dakota: A Comprehensive Guide

In South Dakota, the legal landscape surrounding gestational surrogacy is characterized by the absence of specific statutory regulations or case law explicitly permitting or prohibiting the practice. This ambiguity in the legal framework has led to the general acceptance and practice of gestational surrogacy within the state. This guide aims to provide a thorough understanding of surrogacy practices in South Dakota, though it should not replace professional legal counsel.

Legal Status of Surrogacy

Gestational Surrogacy:

Gestational surrogacy, where the surrogate carries a child that is not biologically related to her, is considered legal in South Dakota due to the lack of any explicit prohibitive laws. This legal neutrality allows intended parents to pursue gestational surrogacy without facing statutory obstacles. The process typically involves the surrogate being implanted with an embryo created via in vitro fertilization (IVF), using the intended parents' or donors' genetic material.

Traditional Surrogacy:

Traditional surrogacy involves the surrogate using her own egg, making her the biological mother of the child. While not explicitly prohibited, traditional surrogacy carries additional legal and emotional complexities. The surrogate must relinquish her parental rights post-birth, a process that often resembles adoption. The emotional and legal intricacies make traditional surrogacy less common and more legally challenging, requiring careful consideration and expert legal guidance.

Compensated Surrogacy:

South Dakota does not impose legal restrictions on the compensation that a gestational surrogate may receive. Surrogates can be compensated for their time, medical risks, and various associated expenses. These expenses can include medical and travel costs, maternity clothing, childcare during bed rest, lost wages, insurance, and legal fees. The terms of compensation are typically outlined in the surrogacy contract.

Creating a Surrogacy Contract in South Dakota

Legal Representation:

Both the intended parents and the surrogate must engage separate legal counsel to ensure that their rights and interests are adequately protected throughout the surrogacy process. This separation helps prevent conflicts of interest and ensures that both parties receive independent advice tailored to their specific needs.

Contractual Elements:

A comprehensive surrogacy contract in South Dakota should address several critical components:

  • Financial Terms: Detailed compensation for the surrogate, covering medical expenses, living allowances, and any other agreed-upon payments.

  • Rights and Responsibilities: Clear delineation of each party's obligations and rights, including expectations during the pregnancy and after the birth.

  • Potential Risks: Identification of potential medical and legal risks, with contingency plans for various scenarios, such as medical complications or changes in circumstances.

  • Sensitive Issues: Agreements on handling sensitive issues like selective reduction, termination, and unforeseen medical conditions.

  • Contact and Communication: Expectations regarding communication and contact between the surrogate and intended parents during and after the pregnancy.

  • Hospital Plans: Detailed plans for the birth, including the presence of intended parents during delivery and post-birth procedures.

Finalization and Commencement:

Once the contract is meticulously drafted and agreed upon by all parties, including the surrogate’s spouse if applicable, it is signed and notarized. This formal agreement sets the stage for the commencement of the medical procedures involved in surrogacy.

Establishing Legal Parentage

Parentage Orders:

South Dakota courts typically grant pre-birth parentage orders, which establish the intended parents' legal rights to the child before birth. These orders are crucial for ensuring that the intended parents are recognized as the legal parents on the birth certificate immediately upon the child's birth. However, the availability and specifics of these orders can vary based on the county and the presiding judge.

Adoption as an Alternative:

In cases where pre-birth orders are not feasible, post-birth adoption processes are necessary to establish legal parentage. This is particularly relevant for non-genetic intended parents or in situations where the surrogacy arrangement was not recognized pre-birth by the court.

Same-Sex Surrogacy Considerations

Legal Status:

Same-sex surrogacy is treated equally to heterosexual surrogacy in South Dakota. Same-sex couples and LGBT+ intended parents typically undergo similar legal processes and face the same legal considerations as opposite-sex couples. This includes the need for egg or sperm donors and addressing the unique legal challenges that may arise.

Additional Laws:

There are no distinct laws in South Dakota that specifically impact same-sex parenting through surrogacy. The legal processes for establishing parentage and drafting surrogacy contracts remain consistent regardless of the parents' sexual orientation.

Addressing Common Questions About Surrogacy in South Dakota

Contract Enforceability:

While there is no explicit statutory guidance on the enforceability of surrogacy contracts in South Dakota, these agreements are generally presumed to be enforceable under general contract law principles. To ensure enforceability, it's crucial to follow best practices in contract drafting and seek legal guidance to navigate potential complexities.

International Intended Parents:

International intended parents must comply with the same surrogacy processes as domestic ones. Given the additional layer of complexity involved in international surrogacy, it is highly recommended to consult with immigration attorneys. These legal professionals can help navigate the specific procedures required to bring the child to their home country, ensuring compliance with both U.S. and international laws.

Adoption Necessity:

Adoption is generally not required for establishing parental rights in gestational surrogacy arrangements due to the availability of pre-birth parentage orders. However, in traditional surrogacy cases or when intended parents lack a genetic connection to the child, post-birth adoption might be necessary to secure legal parental rights.

Second-Parent and Stepparent Adoptions:

While second-parent and stepparent adoptions are available in South Dakota, they are often unnecessary due to the pre-birth parentage orders. In cases where these adoptions are required, they provide a legal pathway for unmarried or non-genetic intended parents to establish their parental rights.

Donor Egg, Sperm, or Embryo:

The use of donor genetic material in surrogacy arrangements does not generally hinder the acquisition of a parentage order. However, the absence of specific legislation on donor rights necessitates careful legal navigation to ensure the intended parents' rights are properly established. Intended parents should work closely with their legal counsel to address any potential legal issues related to donor involvement.


The legal framework surrounding surrogacy in South Dakota, while not explicitly defined by statutes or case law, allows for both gestational and traditional surrogacy practices. The key to navigating surrogacy in the state lies in comprehensive legal preparation and the drafting of detailed and enforceable surrogacy contracts. Engaging with experienced surrogacy attorneys is essential to protect the rights of all parties involved and to ensure a smooth surrogacy journey.

For anyone considering surrogacy in South Dakota, it is imperative to seek expert legal advice. This ensures that all legal requirements are met, parental rights are established, and the interests of the surrogate and intended parents are fully protected. Through careful legal planning and adherence to best practices, surrogacy can be a successful and fulfilling path to parenthood in South Dakota.

Guide: Everything you need to know to become a surrogate in South Dakota

In this quick guide, we will cover everything you need to know about becoming a surrogate in your state, including the requirements, compensation and benefits, legal aspects, and how we can assist you in starting your journey seamlessly.

How We're Different:

Choosing Modooboo means partnering with a team that values trust, compassion, and excellence. Our extensive experience, combined with a deep understanding of the emotional and physical aspects of surrogacy, makes us a trusted ally in your journey to parenthood or in your decision to help others become parents.

Empowered by Experience

Modooboo stands apart through the personal journeys of our team members. Our collective experience not only enriches our support system but also informs our development of comprehensive programs tailored to meet the varied needs of surrogate candidates.

Top-Tier Surrogate Benefits

Surrogates choose Modooboo as their guiding agency because we've designed our program with their needs at the forefront. Experience unparalleled generosity with our package offering up to $120,000 in compensation, ensuring you're among the highest-earning surrogates in the U.S. we ensure our surrogates feel valued and respected throughout their journey.

Personal Experience, Professional Guidance

We are more than an agency; we are a community of individuals who have personally embarked on the surrogacy journey. This personal touch, combined with our professional acumen, allows us to offer empathetic, informed guidance. We understand the emotional nuances of surrogacy from both the surrogate's and the intended parents' perspectives, enabling us to foster a supportive, understanding environment for everyone involved.

Get Started with Modooboo

As a surrogate with Modooboo, you can qualify for one of the industry's highest compensations, with surrogates earning up to $120K.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The journey to become a surrogate is undertaken with thorough guidance and support from our experienced team. This rewarding path begins with meeting a set of criteria essential for ensuring a healthy pregnancy and childbirth on behalf of another individual or couple. Our process is meticulous, ensuring that all potential surrogates are well-prepared for this commitment.

  • To be considered for surrogacy, candidates must:

    Be under 38 years old

    Hold U.S. citizenship or permanent residency

    Reside in states where surrogacy is legally permitted

    Be in good physical and mental health

    Have successfully given birth to and are raising at least one child

  • Becoming a surrogate involves a comprehensive process, including:

    Initial Application: Your journey starts with our online application. Following this, our coordinator will discuss the process, address any queries, and request necessary forms for background and medical checks.

    Profile Questionnaire: You'll provide detailed information about yourself, forming the basis of your confidential profile for intended parents.

    Medical Review: We'll review your obstetric records to confirm your medical suitability for surrogacy.

    Consultations: Our team will guide you through the surrogacy process and address any concerns.

    Medical and Psychological Screenings: This includes health evaluations and discussions to ensure your readiness.

    Home Assessment: A social worker will ensure your living environment is conducive to a healthy pregnancy.

    Matching Process: We'll match you with intended parents that share your surrogacy goals.

    Legal Contracting: Once matched, a legal contract is formed with the intended parents.

  • Surrogates receive monthly payments starting after pregnancy confirmation via ultrasound. The total compensation package is comprehensive, reflecting individual journeys and specifics such as multiple pregnancies or additional embryo transfers. Our surrogates' compensation is highly competitive, with detailed breakdowns available on our benefits page.

  • Experienced surrogates receive higher compensation. Returning surrogates are awarded additional payment, reflecting their invaluable experience and commitment to helping families grow. For detailed figures and benefits, visit our pay and benefits page.

  • The possibility of multiple surrogacies depends on your health and delivery history. We have guidelines on the acceptable number of vaginal deliveries and C-sections to ensure your safety. If you're considering surrogacy again, we're here to discuss your eligibility.

  • We collaborate with surrogates across states where surrogacy is legal, providing comprehensive support throughout the journey. We accommodate surrogates from across the country, covering all associated travel and medical expenses.

  • Choosing our program connects you with top-tier fertility clinics and a network of support. We distinguish ourselves through competitive compensation from the start, coverage of all related expenses, access to exceptional medical care, and unwavering support throughout the surrogacy experience.

  • If you're drawn to the surrogacy journey, please apply through our online platform. For additional insights, our FAQ section and surrogate stories offer perspectives on the surrogacy experience. For any further inquiries, our dedicated team is ready to assist you.

Join Our Community

At Modooboo Surrogacy, we believe in creating spaces where our community can flourish - filled with resources, stories, and connections. Our journey together doesn’t end here; it spans across various platforms where you can dive deeper into the world of surrogacy, find support, and celebrate the magic of creating families. Join us beyond our website to explore more