How much information is shared between surrogates and intended parents?

The amount of information shared between surrogates and intended parents is variable and typically determined by agency norms and personal preferences. It ranges from minimal and clinical details to extensive, personal sharing that can even evolve into friendship.

If you're going through an agency, they will generally ensure both parties are comfortable with the level of information shared. This could be as little as medical updates, or it may include regular chats and meetings. If you’ve chosen to pursue through independent surrogacy, this boundary will need to be navigated and agreed upon directly between the surrogate and intended parents. In any setup, it's vitally important to establish clear and agreed-upon communication guidelines from the start. Factors like disclosure of medical history, lifestyle habits, psychological factors, and personal backgrounds can play a big role in disclosing information. Remember, trust, respect, and open communication are key to a successful surrogacy journey.

An Important Message

“We are dedicated to providing the most sincere and accurate information to help you make informed decisions. Each surrogate’s journey is unique and important, and we are committed to offering reliable information and support to ensure you feel confident and secure every step of the way. Thank you for trusting us, and we will continue to strive to provide unparalleled service and support to make your surrogate journey.”

Modooboo Team

About Us

At Modooboo, we understand that the journey to parenthood, the decision to become a surrogate, or the act of donating eggs are deeply personal and life-changing experiences. That's why we stand out as your best choice in this journey.

What Surrogate Moms Say About Us.

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As a surrogate with Modooboo, you can qualify for one of the industry's highest compensations, with surrogates earning up to $120K.