
Medical and Health Requirements in Surrogacy

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The selection process for surrogates is designed with rigorous medical and health requirements to ensure the safety and well-being of both the surrogate and the baby. This process is thorough and meticulous, involving several critical steps and evaluations.

Initial Health Requirements

Surrogates must first meet specific age criteria, typically ranging from 21 to 40 years. This age range is chosen to minimize health risks associated with pregnancy. Younger surrogates are generally preferred for their lower risk of pregnancy complications and higher likelihood of carrying a healthy pregnancy to term.

A detailed medical history is reviewed with a focus on obstetric history. This includes examining previous pregnancies and deliveries to ensure the surrogate has a proven record of healthy, full-term pregnancies without significant complications such as preterm labor, preeclampsia, or gestational diabetes. A history of smooth, uncomplicated pregnancies is a strong indicator that the surrogate will be able to carry another pregnancy safely.

Comprehensive Medical Screenings

Before a surrogate is approved, she undergoes extensive medical screenings. These include:

  • Blood Tests: To check for any underlying health issues, including anemia, blood type, and other vital health markers.

  • Infectious Disease Screenings: To ensure the surrogate does not carry any infectious diseases that could affect the pregnancy, such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, and other sexually transmitted infections.

  • Uterine Evaluations: Through procedures like hysteroscopy or saline sonogram, doctors assess the health and suitability of the surrogate's uterus to carry a pregnancy.

These screenings ensure that the surrogate is physically capable of carrying a healthy pregnancy.

Psychological Evaluations

A crucial part of the screening process is the psychological evaluation. Conducted by licensed mental health professionals, these evaluations ensure that the surrogate is mentally and emotionally prepared for the journey. The evaluation covers:

  • Understanding of the Surrogacy Process: The surrogate's comprehension of the surrogacy agreement, her role, and the expectations.

  • Motivations: Ensuring that the surrogate’s reasons for pursuing surrogacy are sound and ethical.

  • Support System: Assessing the strength and availability of the surrogate’s personal support network, including family and friends who will support her throughout the pregnancy.

Ongoing Health Management During Pregnancy

Once the surrogate becomes pregnant, her health is monitored closely. This ongoing health management includes:

  • Regular Prenatal Check-ups: Frequent visits to healthcare providers to monitor the pregnancy and ensure both the surrogate and baby are healthy.

  • Nutritional Counseling: Guidance on maintaining a balanced diet to support a healthy pregnancy.

  • Management of Pregnancy-related Complications: Prompt attention to any issues that may arise, such as gestational diabetes or hypertension.

Surrogates are also provided with guidelines on lifestyle and health during pregnancy, including:

  • Dietary Recommendations: Eating a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients.

  • Physical Activity Guidelines: Engaging in safe, moderate exercise to promote health.

  • Travel and Activity Restrictions: Avoiding activities that could pose risks to the pregnancy.

Mental Health Support

The importance of mental health support during pregnancy cannot be overstated. Surrogates receive ongoing emotional and psychological support, including:

  • Counseling Sessions: Regular meetings with mental health professionals to discuss any emotional challenges.

  • Support Groups: Access to groups where surrogates can share their experiences and support each other.

Health Considerations for Intended Parents

For intended parents, especially those using their own genetic material, medical considerations are equally important. These include:

  • Genetic Screening: Identifying any hereditary conditions that could be passed to the child.

  • Fertility Assessments: Evaluating the fertility of both intended parents to ensure the best chances of a successful pregnancy.

In cases involving egg or sperm donation, donors also undergo thorough medical and genetic screenings to ensure the health and viability of the genetic material.

Medical Procedures for Gestational Surrogacy

For gestational surrogacy, intended mothers (or egg donors) must undergo procedures related to egg retrieval. This involves:

  • Hormonal Treatments: To stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs.

  • Medical Monitoring: Regular check-ups and ultrasounds to monitor the response to hormonal treatments.

  • Egg Retrieval Procedure: A minor surgical procedure to collect the eggs for fertilization.

Understanding the health risks and recovery associated with these procedures is crucial for intended parents.


The health and medical standards for surrogates are designed to ensure a safe and healthy surrogacy journey for everyone involved. From initial screenings to ongoing support, these measures are in place to protect the well-being of the surrogate, the intended parents, and, most importantly, the baby. By adhering to these rigorous standards, the surrogacy process can be a positive and fulfilling experience for all parties.

Get Started with Modooboo

As a surrogate with Modooboo, you can qualify for one of the industry's highest compensations, with surrogates earning up to $120K.

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From matching and screening to the highest law protection and emotional support. If you are looking for the best surrogacy agency, Modooboo is waiting only for you.

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We bring our personal experiences to the forefront, crafting specialized support programs that truly address your individual needs.

Top-Tier Surrogate Benefits

Our tailored program puts you first. With our package offering up to $120,000 in compensation, ensuring you're among the highest-earning surrogates in the U.S.

Personal Experience, Professional Guidance

We are more than just a surrogacy agency; Here, every surrogacy journey is handled with personal care and professional precision.